
A User’s Guide to the Nestle-Aland 28 Greek New Testament is unavailable, but you can change that!

This guide introduces the complex new edition of the Nestle-Aland 28 Greek New Testament, detailing its structure and innovations. Ideal for students just embarking on their study of New Testament Greek, this slim volume explains the transmission of the Greek text, introduces papyri and textual variants, explains how to use the appendixes in Nestle-Aland, and helps readers understand the...

The header of 𝔓46 (see p. 3) displays two Greek numerals, ΛΗ, indicating a page number: 38. Almost all manuscripts of the New Testament are written in book form, codices, and not on scrolls. This is noteworthy because until the fourth century the ancient book trade predominantly used scrolls for literary texts. The codex was formed like a modern book by placing several sheets on top of each other, so-called quires. They were folded and bound together. The front and the back side of each page
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